Thursday, August 7, 2008

Here a blog, there a blog..

I've caved in and started a blog because I wanted to be cool like everyone else.

This first entry will be brief, still testing things out and gotta spread the word and all that.. I guess I'll just "pull an Alex" and recommend some music. These two bands have been dominating me lately. Music lovers.. do yourselves a favor. CHECK IT OUT. The bands are "Islands" and "Built To Spill". Album RECS, in order:

Islands - "Arm's Way", "Return to the Sea"

Built To Spill - "Perfect From Now On", "Keep It Like A Secret", "There's Nothing Wrong With Love"

I'll post some videos and stuff soon.


Misty said...

The Blogdom welcomes thee Zachary Alex Dye.

Misty said...

Ahem... Zachery...

elopingcamel said...

I don't know about all that welcoming stuff, but it's nice to know that I'm no longer alone... It already feels more warm...

Sara said...

Welcome Alex!

check out our blog...